10 Common Diet Myths Busted!

4 min readSep 9, 2021

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall health. Many of us, on the other hand, go about losing weight in the wrong way. Here are 10 common diet myths, BUSTED!

Myth 1: Skipping meals can help you lose weight.

When you skip meals, you may feel weary and hungry, leading you to reach for high-fat, high-calorie snacks or compensate with larger meals when you do eat. It’s also more difficult to make a healthy choice when you’re starving. Get into a routine with your meals and prepare ahead to ensure you have good and healthy options to look forward to.

Myth 2: You can only eat a small selection of foods.

Of course, if you eat nothing but celery or oranges for a week, you will lose weight. Fad diets, on the other hand, will quickly become dull and ineffective in the long run. That’s fortunate, because while they’re low in calories, they’re generally deficient in the nutrients your body requires to function effectively over time. If you need to take vitamin and mineral supplements in addition to your food, it’s a sign that it’s not providing you with all of the nutrients you require. It is not required to go hungry in order to lose weight. The secret to long-term success is to make little improvements that you can stick to.

Myth #3: You aren’t permitted to eat goodies.

It won’t work to deprive yourself of all the meals you enjoy, and prohibiting specific items often makes us crave them even more. You’ll eventually succumb to temptation and abandon your efforts, leaving you feeling guilty and defeated. Remember that one slip does not always equal a fall, and there’s no wrong in treating yourself now and then. Plan to eat tiny portions of your favourite dishes and savour each bite.

Myth #4: You can’t consume anything after 8 p.m.

It makes no difference when you eat if you are overeating! However, it is better for your digestive system if you don’t consume a substantial meal before bed. The study of the impact of meal time on metabolism and health is currently ongoing, and there is still much to learn in this area. However, because many of us overeat in the evenings when we are tired, aim to have your evening meal as least 2–3 hours before going to bed.

Myth #5: You can target only your stomach, thighs, or any other fatty area.

We can’t pick and choose where we gain or lose weight, as unjust as it may seem. Fat is lost throughout the body when the person loses weight. When exercising, concentrating on one area of the body may result in improved muscular tone in that area, but it will not result in more fat loss.

Myth #6: Certain foods aid with weight loss.

There are no foods that can assist you burn fat. The most important thing is to consume fewer calories (energy) than you expend, rather than eating specific foods with special qualities. The trick is to consume a well-balanced diet.

Myth #7: Carbs make you fat.

Carbohydrate has fewer than half the calories of fat gramme for gramme. You must, however, keep an eye on your portion proportions and choose the proper carbohydrate types. Instead of white versions or sugary foods and drinks, choose wholegrains like oats, brown rice, and wholemeal bread and pasta. Also, keep an eye out for high-calorie fillings and toppings, such as creamy sauces on pasta and butter or cheese on baked potatoes, which will significantly increase the fat and calorie content of your meal.

Myth #8: You can’t eat while watching TV.

Planning healthful snacks in between meals might aid in appetite control. Fruit, vegetables, crudités, unsalted nuts and seeds, as well as dairy meals like yoghurt, are all excellent alternatives.

Myth #9: You must eat only low-fat foods.

Don’t assume that low-fat equals low-calorie. Even when fat is replaced with other substances, a high-calorie product can result. Don’t be deceived by appearances; read the label. The importance of quantity cannot be overstated. If you eat twice as much of a low-fat product as you would a full-fat one, you will not lose weight. Sugar and preservatives are commonly included in pre-packaged, low-fat foods, which can be harmful to one’s health. Natural fats like those found in nuts, seeds, seafood, and avocados are essential for bright skin and lowering heart disease risk.

Myth #10: You must engage in a rigorous fitness regimen.

You don’t have to run a marathon to reap the benefits of increased activity. Even low-intensity exercise will help you burn more calories. A few minutes of brisk exercise, gardening, or cleaning can make a big effect.




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