Benefits of Studying Abroad for Indians

There is more to gain than to lose

2 min readNov 27, 2021

Studying abroad can prove to be a transforming experience in a student’s life. It will land you at places where you will have a lot of opportunities to grow. But before making that choice, you may want to know- What all I can expect if I take this decision?

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Here I will tell you 5 benefits of studying abroad -

Quality education

When it comes to quality education universities from places likes the USA, Europe, Australia rank higher than other counties. It is a bitter truth that-

There isn't a single university from India that could make it in the QS World University Ranking. Although IIT- Bombay, Delhi, Madras found their mention the list when it comes to QS Rankings- subjectwise.

Exposure to global culture

When you study in a foreign university you get the opportunity to come in close contact with people of different nationalities and cultures. This exposure widens your worldview and knowledge base. You get a chance to move away from sameness and develop a taste of your own for things like food, clothing, art.

When you study in your hometown, the majority of people are likely to be of a similar profile but when you move to another country the amount of diversity you get to see is tremendous.

World Wide Recognition

When you get into a reputed college in a foreign university your degree gets an edge because of the acceptance of pre-eminence of these colleges the world over.

Needless to say, if you study abroad, your degree will attract future employers and you will have great prospects ahead.

Personal Growth

The level of exposure you get from studying in a foreign land is very different from what you could get from staying in your home country. When you live in a foreign land you get in touch with people of different nationalities and cultures. Apart from that, you learn to manage your personal life and finances. You also get better at creating a work-life balance from a young age.

Access to resources and network

The biggest reason why so many people opt for studying abroad is that foreign universities provide access to resources like world-class labs and research facilities. The amenities they offer and the standard of living are also admirable.

Studying abroad helps you to build an invaluable network.

When you interact and connect with people from different backgrounds you get to widen your network and this network might lead you to opportunities like internships and job offers in the future!

Studying abroad will land you at the finest places, places where you can grow but if you don’t take the initiative to widen your horizon then you are missing out big time.




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