Diet Hacks that actually work!

3 min readJul 15, 2021

Have you struggled with weight gain because of your sedentary lifestyle? Does it seem like how much ever you try; it is impossible to lose weight if you don’t move around enough? Well, this is a problem almost everyone with a slow metabolism has, unless they follow a strict exercise routine. Going on a short-term diet is not usually a sustainable solution since its not feasible and ultimately makes the weight come back. However, some healthy alternatives and mindful selection of food will help you adopt a healthy lifestyle unlike a temporary diet regime.

Here are some low effort tips that will make your weight loss easy! Keep them in mind the next time you go grocery shopping or while cooking.

1. Always choose whole grains. For example, brown bread and brown rice.

2. Make sure to choose the right snacks. Roasted or non-fried snacks are not always what they claim to be. Avoid snacks with too much of salt or “sugar-free” alternatives. The best snacks to pick are ragi/oat cookies, plain yoghurt, popcorn, roasted black chana or makhanas.

3. Stock up on protein. Have at least one protein rich food item with every meal. Include sprouts, eggs, peanut butter, lentils, or meat in every meal. Protein keeps you fuller for longer!

4. Never skip breakfast. Make sure to have a protein and fibre-rich breakfast every day. Eggs and oatmeal or muesli is the most low-effort option for busy days.

5. Consider fruit as a snack. Have a banana or apple with peanut butter for a quick and filling snack, any time of the day. Always carry a box of fruit with you.

6. Hydrate! This cannot be stressed enough. Make sure to consume at least 10 glasses of water every day. Glowing skin, better digestion and no water retention are just few of the benefits.

7. Always choose homemade food over ordering a meal. Make time to cook your own food. This makes you more aware of the ingredients and quantity of food you are consuming. The good old chapati, vegetables, dal, and rice, all in moderate amounts are the best for you!

8. Include as much raw vegetables as possible. Always have salad with your meals. Carry a box of cucumber and carrot and snack on them whenever you feel hungry. To make this interesting, you can use hummus as a dip!

9. Ditch the caffeine. Limit your caffeine intake to maximum 2 cups a day. Instead, choose green tea, lemonade, smoothies, or just plain water.

10. Lastly, monitor your quantities. Portion control is the key! Anything eaten in low or moderate amounts does not make you gain weight. Never starve or deprive yourself of foods you like, just be mindful of the quantity.

Losing weight is never about looking good. It should always be about feeling good and being healthy. Keeping your body healthy should not be an unpleasant practice. Making it a part of your lifestyle will make the whole process a lot easier!

For accomplishing a specific health goal, do not hesitate to consult a nutritionist. They can help in reaching fitness goals and/or cure illnesses just with the power of food!




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