How I Survived 7 Years of Marriage With A Narcissist

4 min readApr 5, 2024


Being married to a narcissist can be a highly traumatic experience. It leaves invisible scars and wounds that take a lifetime to heal. Perhaps, the most challenging part of being with a narcissist is the inability to recognize the abuse, and finding the strength to call it out.

Meet Mahima. She is a survivor of narcissistic abuse. She completed her therapy at Holistic Living Center in December 2023 and today she is a strong woman who loves life despite all its ups and downs.

Mahima had been married to Subhash for 7 years. In retrospect, she realizes how she had ignored the red flags in the initial years of their relationship.

For instance, Mahima worked a full-time job as a chartered accountant before she met Subhash. She had expressed her desire to continue working after marriage and Subhash completely supported her stance. However, a few months after their marriage, Subhash convinced her to leave her job and gradually began to control her finances as well.

At that time, Mahima could not fully process what was happening because of the manipulative tactics used by Subhash. It clouded her judgment and made her question the reality.

Once Mahima was dependent on him for financial support, Subhash’s abuse became more evident. He isolated her from her friends and family, gaslighting her into believing that they did not wish well for her.

He would nit-pick Mahima’s faults, constantly blaming her for everything that went wrong in his life. This was followed by love-bombing, leaving Mahima utterly confused and transfixed.

Subhash also resorted to weaponizing intimacy as a way to gain control and cause further emotional damage to Mahima.

This happened for 7 years. It is quite natural to wonder why did Mahima not leave.

In therapy at Holistic Living Center, Mahima confronted the reasons why she was stuck in an abusive relationship and took so long to leave.

Firstly, Mahima had an innate submissive nature. She had been a shy and introverted child who seldom voiced out her opinions and feelings. Moreover, as a child, she was never given the space to express herself freely. In fact, she was brought up in an unhealthy family environment where she witnessed a similar abuse committed by her father on her mother.

This combination of behavioral traits and childhood experiences pushed Mahima to seek similar patterns. She had a hard time standing up for herself or establishing strong boundaries. This made her an easy victim of narcissistic abuse.

The pain, hurt and disappointment were deeply rooted in her subconscious mind. The expert therapist at Holistic Living Center helped Mahima release these emotions and build a positive sense of self. The therapeutic techniques encouraged her to build a resilient and confident mindset.

Gradually, Mahima found the courage she needed to move on from her abusive marriage and begin a better life. In therapy, she learned the skills to navigate similar challenges and detach herself from the past narrative. With a newfound outlook on life, Mahima was ready to experience happiness again.

7 years of pain and hurt cannot be summarized in a single article. Mahima spent countless days and nights feeling anxious and low. She was utterly lonely and found nobody to share her torment with until she took therapy at the Holistic Living Center.

“I had buried the pain within me. Living with a narcissist can ruin your life in unimaginable ways. I felt so alone and depressed. I did not have anybody to talk to because I knew nobody could truly understand. Then in therapy at Holistic Living Center, I found a space to express myself without any guilt or shame. The therapist was extremely comforting and supportive. He guided me at every step and made me feel heard and understood. I am in a much happier place today and for that, I am grateful to Holistic Living Center” testifies Mahima.

Being married to a narcissist or even dating one can leave you with deep emotional trauma. It is crucial to recognize the signs of narcissism and take active steps to leave or manage the relationship. Talking to friends or family may help only to a certain extent. Narcissistic abuse is a complex problem that requires therapeutic guidance and support.

If you or someone you know is experiencing narcissist abuse then please seek therapy immediately. At Holistic Living Center, our therapists have 20+ years of experience in resolving cases of narcissism. Here you will receive a safe, non-judgmental, and comforting space to process your emotions and learn effective conflict-resolution skills.

Call/WhatsApp 91–9321073548 or Click This Link to speak with our expert counselors. You can also avail a 10-minute Free consultation to understand the process better.

Visit the Holistic Living Center in Chembur, Mumbai. We are a reputed therapy and counseling center and have partnered with the best therapists in Mumbai.

Take care and stay safe!




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