What is emotional freedom and how can you enhance it?

2 min readAug 9, 2021

We are all aware that negative emotions include feelings of sadness, hopelessness and doubt. However, did you know that holding onto negative emotions stops you from seeing situations in their real perspective?

Certain emotions may be considered natural or unnatural, depending upon the manner and extent to which you let them influence your life. Intense feelings of anger, hate and jealousy that leave you a bitter excuse for a human being, would be considered unnatural. An instance of channeling emotions more productively would be — allowing feelings of sadness to propel you into becoming a proactive member of the community, through social service.

Emotions help us to make sense of the environment. While this is true, there is a downside to giving emotions too much free reign. Dwelling for too long on negative emotions can lead one into a spiral of rumination, the tendency to keep replaying negative situations or experiences. This spiral of negative thinking, slowly but surely leads one to end up feeling worse and worse about the situation. As a result, this obsessive thinking takes a toll on the person’s mental and physical well-being. Research indicates that the tendency to keep thinking about negative experiences is linked to a number of harmful coping behaviors, such as smoking, alcohol consumption and overeating.

As you may have come to realize, it is crucial that we decide how to respond to negative emotions, and not let them hijack our behavior. Doing the former is not an easy process, it requires a tremendous amount of control and self-awareness. Nevertheless, it is important for us to learn how to embrace all of our emotions.

If you wish to be a more positive human being, thereby attracting the positivity in the universe to yourself, join us in our FREE workshop on Emotion Freedom Techniques. This life-transforming workshop will be conducted by Mr. Mahesh Sharma, an EFT practitioner with more than a decade of experience.

What are you waiting for? Re-frame your emotions to attain your true potential today.

We have two exciting events in store -

Physically Unlocked but Mentally on Lockdown? By International Life Purpose Coach Mahesh Sharma

10th August, 4:00 PM

Register — https://rzp.io/l/95CGdS6T

For Students — https://rzp.io/l/hNtVHPhg


Stress has left the chat — by International Reiki Master Sandeep Nath

12th August, 3:30 PM

Register — https://rzp.io/l/95CGdS6T

For Students — https://rzp.io/l/hNtVHPhg




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