Why it is so important to rest

Skipping it can put you at risk!

2 min readNov 9, 2021

Many of us feel that resting, relaxing, or going for a vacation is a luxury we cannot afford. We think we don’t deserve it till we achieve that “top spot”. We think we need to stay productive all the time.

So we tend to work till we feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and angry. Even when we are not working for some time we are constantly thinking -What's the next thing?

Image Credit: Spring Fed Images on Unsplash.

Resting doest mean you are lazy or you are avoiding your work. It simply means you are doing what is needed!

Resting may look different for different people — for you, it can be going for a walk,

for me, it is reading a novel,

for someone else, it can be spending time in the vicinity of nature.

So regardless of how you choose to rest, these little things can help you recharge and rejuvenate your mood.

Benefits of resting and relaxing

It does not seem like a big deal when you skip, postpone, cut short that hour reserved for yourself, reserved for rest. But the cost is high here because taking rest and intentionally indulging in leisure activities is a very essential part of our survival.

Here are a few benefits of resting and relaxing for you-

It helps you to be more productive at work.

It prevents many lifestyle-related diseases.

It helps your mental wellbeing.

It fosters your creativity.

It enhances your decision-making ability.

If we give ourselves time to relax and rejuvenate we will be able to focus more, we will be able to enjoy our work. Just by relaxing we may save ourselves from a potential mental/physical breakdown which may arise due to fatigue.

Not taking enough rest isn’t a healthy lifestyle choice. The cost you pay for these choices is lifestyle-related diseases like hypertension and diabetes.

Are you ready to transform this unhealthy lifestyle choice of not resting into a healthy one?

“If you are losing your leisure, look out! — It may be you are losing your soul.”
Virginia Woolf




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